How to overcome living in fear?
Fear is not negative, fear is not postive but a totally natural and needed feeling. To deal with fear we need to see where the fear is coming from. We can use fear to make us learn more about ourselves, our weekneses, our insecurities and to see what we need to work on.
We need fear to project our lives! Imagine the traffic if nobody cared about accidents.
Fear is like a bodyguard because it saves your life, but do you need 10 bodyguards? No, cause then you can't breathe, move or be free. Fear starts becoming a problem when you are afraid of everything. Afraid of failure, afraid of other peoples opinion about you, afraid of trusting people, afraid of loosing everything, just afraid to live.
When you open your eyes and you realize how many lies there is happening in the world, you start to see that there isn't really anything to be afraid of.
One big fat lie you have been told since you were a little child sitting in the classroom is where you've got an F or a E, but you wanted a B or an A! They told you, you weren’t intelligent enough to become a lawyer or a doctor, because you did’t get the right grades. They told you that you will never make it! You are not an A, B or C, you are a human being baaaaby! I’ve met famous people, millionaires and billiaders there never even made it to collage or graduated. So how did they end up having a name?? Because they knew that a fucking exam grade, did't define them!
If you live in the fear of failure remind yourself that we all make mistakes. When we make mistakes we grow and learn the most.
Fear is created sometimes when we think we are running out of time.. Time is a created by ourselves, WE created the clock, WE created the calendar. There is NO time, only circles, we are living in a never ending universe. When you say you don’t have time enough to get a job, get a partner, get children! Realize you always have enough time, but at the same time makes sure you are moving in your life. Are you learning? Having fun? Following your dreams? Or just wasting your time on facebook?
Our parents told us since we were children "Don't talk to strangers" So everytime we went outside and people said something to us, we just walked or ran away from them. Are you still doing that? I used to. Then I started to realize that it's all a believe system, its all in our mind. I started to give people a chance by talking to them. I meet so many amazing people everyday who are learning me so much! YES, there is people out there you can't trust. So what?
If you open your heart up, some people are going to hurt you and that's just a part of life, there is going to make us stronger.
"You can't trust people, they destroy the planet" Why aren't you talking about all the good people out there? People you can trust, people there are making a change by sharering useful information? Why don't you become one of them? There are so many lovely people out there, people you can trust, people who are caring, people who are doing an amazing job to make the world a better place. What you are focus on depends on you, but you have to realize that whatever you focus on grows. If you look after the bad things in people, thats what you going to get. ;)
How much are you getting brainwashed by tv, websites, newspaper, radio etc? Who is filling you up with fear. "SOFIA, DID YOU WATCH THE NEWS? THEY JUST SAID THE WORLD IS GONNA END TONIGHT" One day goes, I'm still hear. "IT'S GONNA HAPPEN NEXT WEEK" Next week I'm still here. Every year the world is going to end. :'D
I don't want to fill my brain with fear, so I don't watch news and I'm still alive. ;)
Who are you sourranding yourself with? Are you together with people who are focusing on fear all the time? People who are afraid of this, afraid of that.. And putting all their fear on you.
Making you worry even more about that tiny little problem than you did before you were talking with them.
Growing up I had a family member who always use to live in the past, preparing for the worst things to happen. I loved (still do) that person to the moon and back again, but I had to ask myself "Do I really want to live in fear?"We don't need people to feed our fears and make all our problems worse than they already are, we need people who support us. People who help us calm down when we need it the most. Just someone who is there to remind us that life will take care of itself!
To overcome fear you have to stop believing other peoples story and do your own research.
Do you believe EVERYTHING? Everything you see in the tv? Everything you learn in the school? Everything your mom tells you? "But she said the ocean is dangerous, so it must be true!" Did you try it to swim in it? No? So how do you know?
2 people can swim in the same ocean at the exact same place at the exact same time and have 2 totally different experiences. One of them can say "It is so disgusting, the saltwater is so strong" the other person can say "It is amazing, the sand is so soft"
We are living in a world with different realitys and just because your friend is afraid to walk on the street, doesn't mean that you have to.The more research I did, the more I realized that there is nothing to be afraid of!
For me life is about learning and being free! We are making our life so much more complicated than it really has to be. When we fear, we aren’t living in the present moment, but in the past or in the future! We did’t come here to worry, but to explore and learn about ourselves.
Let love guide you, not fear <3